Friday, May 2, 2008

Doc Rockstar

That's right, we're talking "ALTERNATIVE" medicine. *guitar riff* If I were a doctor, I'd totally go into an alternative field. There is just something so deliciously unbalanced about someone who goes through about twenty years of rigorous scientific schooling only to decide, "You know what, screw it, I really think hot rocks and seaweed are the penicillin of the future."

My mother-in-law called today and began the conversation with, "I did something for Bumble, and you can kill me later." That has one of the less desirable ways to start a conversation with your mother-in-law. It turns out her only transgression was taking the liberty of making Bumble a chiropractic appointment without asking me first. And offering to pay for it. The woman is a monster, I tell you!

No problems here. A close friend of my family's is a chiropractor so I'm very comfortable with it. That said, some of them are a little kooky, which is why I love to tease her about the hot rocks. The last one I went to see told me, among other sage advice, that "Sugar is a breeding ground for all disease. If people stopped eating sugar there would be no illness." What, none? And to think I had been under the impression that illness was caused by things like genes, and germs, and viruses. No, ladies and gentlemen, it's sugar. So the next time you catch cancer, you will be cursing the brownie that did you in with its evil fudgy temptation.

In any case, this chiropractor apparently says he has had some success with children that don't eat by adjusting them. Bumble's surgery is scheduled to place her feeding tube, so I am working hard on accepting this rather than torturing myself envisioning possible 11th hour "miracle cures". I don't have high expectations for the visit, but I'm also willing to try it. It won't kill her. Although, you know when you get adjusted and the doctor cracks your neck at the end by giving your head a sharp twist to each side? I totally envision that killing me every time.


Backpacking Dad said...

If I'm not stabbing my dauhter with a fork, I think I'm doing a pretty good job.

You do what you have to do without hurting your kids.

Anonymous said...

There are some things in life we just have to do for our kids and this is one.

I like the alternative medicine idea.

MereCat said...

hey sweetie peetie. i was just reading about your little one and the feeding tube. have you checked out Baby on Bored? She has a 5 month old with big eating problems and they have linked it to an esophageal yeast infection of all things. Bless your sweet hearts that you are going through this. I hope you have great luck real soon.

The Mrs. said...

Well, if it's true that sugar is the breeding ground for all illnesses that my insurance company isn't gonna know what hit 'em.

Jacki said...

I hate the neck cracking part! I dread it every time.

DeeDee said...

So sugar is not only responsible for my fat ass but also for my runny nose...hmmmph never would have thunk it!

Chiropractors scare me. My grandmother calls them voo doo doctors. She said something about one giving her some corn or something and making her hold it over her heart. He told her if her arm floated up in front of her that she was allergic. He made her do that with several different things. Kooky.

But I'm with the rest of the crew here, when it comes to you kids you sometimes have to think outside the box and do what you can.

In case you didn’t know, I found your blog through DadGoneMad. I've posted a complete list of everyone who left their blog link on his Big Big Stars post a while back in a post of my own in April called Blog Rolling With My Homies over on my blog, so if you want to see it come on over and sit a spell. I don't bite..…that hard anyway!

If you did know just overlook this and pretend I said something funny since my brain feels like mush from trying to comment on all 217 on the list because somebody had the bright idea to challenge me to it!!

minivan soapbox said...

Well who knew! Sugar, and apparently Rachel Ray are the ways of the devil! (btw - finally making my way through the DGM blog roll). HI!

BabyonBored said...

so what was the verdict? I know we've emailed but my baby's still small. What's up with yours?

Anonymous said...

Wow hun, that feeding tube deal sounds downright scary :( I hope that you can avoid it at all costs.

Oh, its badmonkey by the way... going to keep reading you if thats ok?