Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Land of Nod

This morning I was busy in the kitchen because, you know, I'm all domestic and stuff, when I heard Bumble start to whimper in the other room. I looked at the clock and determined it was about time for her morning nap, but for the next five minutes I continued baking my apple pie and stenciling the pastel flower border ... Okay, you got me. I finished eating my bowl of Frosted Flakes, breakfast of champions, before I went in to get her.

She had fallen asleep right on the floor. At first I felt a twinge of Mommy guilt, which was quickly replaced by the thought, "OMGZ YESSS SHE WENT TO SLEEP ON HER OWN!" I have recently been struck by the fearful realization that my 9 month old still needs a mouthful of boob every time she goes to sleep. It must be so hard to be a baby, huh? Someone even helps you sleep. I started wondering if I would still be chained to this bedtime routine when she was two ... or twelve. Luckily it looks like there is still hope. Plus, she's so cute when she's sleeping.

Awww ...

Awww ...


1 comment:

Heather said...

So cute! I wish I could fall asleep as easily as children seem to. If only all we had to worry about is where is my binky! =D