Yes, that's what I'm going to start calling Bumble's GI. We have been granted a special audience the day after tomorrow.
Now, the doctor has never been anything but polite and professional with me. In fact, the way that he runs his practice should stand as a gleaming paradigm for medical offices everywhere: ON TIME. He's always busy. His staff scurries around: quick, knowledgeable and efficient. They are slavishly attentive; why, they return phone calls within the hour! Overseeing the operation of his gastroentestinal Emerald City is Dr. Oz! (No, not Oprah's lap dog in blue scrubs.)
Actually, I dreamed up this whole thing because a few of Bumble's other specialists have mentioned his name in a sort of
"Uh-oh, Dr. Oz is not going to like that" way, which makes me wonder if he is a difficult guy to work with behind the scenes. My brother-in-law is actually doing his clinicals there at the hospital this quarter for nursing school, but he hasn't worked with Dr. Oz so my wild speculations remained unconstrained.
Seriously? I get to see the Man Behind the Curtain because Bumble hasn't gained weight in a month and a half. I've had to wait over a month to get an appointment, so the fact that the secretary nearly insisted I come in on Thursday makes me a little apprehensive of what he will say. We were at the Pediatrician today, who ordered a few labs to be repeated and suggested we try soy formula.
Poor little Munchkin! (Sorry, I couldn't help myself.)