Thursday, April 24, 2008

You Down with Mashed Peas Peas?

We just got back from our yellow brick road trip to the GI. After making a big deal about how he always runs on time, I was late. Bumble threw up in her car seat and I forgot that the pieces were still disassembled in the dryer until it was time to go. Even as I was struggling to align the little plastic buckle pieces and cursing the one long strap that must be fed through twenty-six openings in under sixty seconds, I had to admit: it really is ingenious how simply it's made. I guess that's why it was available for $60 at Evil Sprawl-Mart. Should I worry about that?

Actually, I have enough to worry about. Oz is pushing for the feeding tube, but will wait to consult with the Speech Therapist, the Notorious Kay, ST. I feel she has earned her honorary rap title (although I'm not sure why *I* would be qualified to bestow it) by making a career out of singing and entertaining babies to encourage them to eat. I know she does other things, but at our appointments, that's basically the job.

You down with mashed peas peas?
We down with mashed peas peas!

Errrbody in the club drinkin' sippy!

Those are extrapolations. But still, you get the gist. Anyway, I'm not too thrilled about this prospect of a feeding tube. I've been avoiding it for the past few months since the first time it was mentioned. I want more tests done. I want SOMEONE to give me a freaking answer for why Bumble is so unenthusiastic about eating. An anorexic baby is simply not normal. But Oz says that sometimes these kids (those who have few issues except a mysterious aversion to food) have every test in the book, and they NEVER figure out the problem. I'm not sure what to do.

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